Foreshore Consents
This listing of Extant Foreshore Consents was updated on 03/12/2024 and is available to access either as pdf or excel formats on the below links.
Note on Extant Foreshore Consents
1) The list may not be exhaustive as records date back to 1800s, and the list does not include foreshore sales or expired foreshore consents.
2) The list has limited information in some cases due to the lack of availability of records, and the list does not include foreshore consents authorised by other departments such as for aquaculture, or for other types of authorisation such as for oil and gas exploration. A number of applications made prior to the establishment of MARA are also under consideration in DECC.
Explanation for details on the list
- Column H ‘Consent Type’ = Refers to the section of the Foreshore Act 1933 under which a consent was granted.
- Column A ‘FS, MS’ = These reference numbers are for Foreshore (FS), Database (MS) and Deed Numbers.
Deed of Variation for a Licence under the Foreshore Act 1933
Reference Number | Applicant | Location of Activity | County | Activity | Status |
RWE Renewables Ireland | Off the Dublin and Wicklow Coastlines | Dublin & Wicklow | Site investigation | Determined |