EMD Workshops Applications Now Open for May 2025 in Cork
The Government of Ireland wish to inform all stakeholders that the call is now open inviting groups or individuals to apply to organise a stakeholder workshop as part of EMD on 22nd and 23rd May 2025 in Cork.
As part of the programme of EMD events, there are expected to be around 20 workshops across two days covering specific marine related themes. These stakeholder workshops are at the core of the conference.
The themes for EMD 2025 will focus on the following areas:
- Coastal communities: resilience, challenges and opportunities
- Maritime security and surveillance
- Blue Energy (Marine renewable energy, alternative fuels, energy transition, decarbonisation, desalination, port adaptation etc.)
- Enablers (marine research, innovation, technology, observation, blue skills, MSP, digitalisation, investment, ocean literacy etc.)
- Maritime Cooperation (regional, sea-basins, Civil Society, stakeholder relations etc.)
- Food security (blue biotechnology, aquaculture, fisheries, algae, biodiversity etc.)
EMD Participants come from all over Europe and beyond, with an anticipated 1000 delegates expected to attend the conference in May 2025.
Important Information
This call will remain open from now until the 30th of December 2024 and we would encourage interested stakeholders to apply to highlight the Irish capabilities and Irish focus for all of the listed themes.
Application forms can be found at the link below, with results of successful respondents to be announced early in 2025:
Note: A workshop would typically run for 1 hour 15 minutes however the format of the delivery will be entirely up to the individual/group themselves to propose. Guidelines on preparing your workshop proposal can be found at : https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/files/9683ba46-a802-4d15-854e-6d9d2afb30a2/b5d33318-8b60-4d3f-a974-72eb473911ae
Further details on EMD in Cork for 2025 can be found at https://maritime-forum.ec.europa.eu/theme/governance/european-maritime-day_en