The Maritime Area Planning Act 2021 establishes a new marine planning system consisting of a new licensing and development management regime from the high water mark to the outer limit of the State’s continental shelf, administered by An Bord Pleanála, the coastal local authorities and the Maritime Area Regulatory Authority (MARA).
While MARA is not responsible for granting development permission (this function falls to An Bord Pleanála and the coastal local authorities), it facilitates a streamlined consenting process for developers, and a route for developers to the planning system, by assessing applications for Maritime Area Consents (MACs). Development is subject to a single comprehensive environmental assessment by the relevant planning authority. A MAC is the gateway into the planning system as MACs are required before any planning applications are made to An Bord Pleanála and the coastal local authorities. A MAC may be granted following assessment of the applicant and the proposed project, and only MAC holders can apply for development permission in the maritime area. A MAC is the right to occupy a part of the maritime area, conditional on securing other necessary approvals.
Assessing MAC applications for the maritime area is one of the functions of the new agency MARA.
Other functions include:
- Granting marine licencing for specified activities;
- Compliance and enforcement of MACs, licences and offshore development consents;
- Investigations and prosecutions;
- Administration of the existing Foreshore consent portfolio;
- Fostering and promoting co-operation between regulators of the maritime area.
MARA invites potential MAC applicants to partake in non–statutory pre-application meetings before a formal application is made, if required. The application form for pre-application meeting is available below:
- Pre-Application Consultation Request Form – English
- Pre-Application Consultation Request Form – Irish
MAC application and guidance documents:
- General Guidance for completing an application for a MAC
- General Application for a Maritime Area Consent
- Financial Capability Assessment for a MAC
- Financial Capability Assessment – Appendix N (Supporting Entity Guarantee- Single Guarantor)
- Financial Capability Assessment – Appendix N (Supporting Entity Guarantee- Multiple Guarantors)
- Technical Capability Assessment for a MAC (for Schedule 10 applications)
- Technical Capability Assessment for a MAC (excluding Schedule 10 applications)
- Technical Guidance for Maritime Area Consent Applications (including on preparing maps for application purposes)
MAC Amendment application documents:
Please note Application Forms should be submitted as per download, without formatting. If you require additional Appendices, please submit as supplementary documentation.
Circular MP01/2024
MARA received Circular MP01-2024 from the Department of Climate, Environment and Communications on 15 November 2024. In accordance with Section 44 (c) of the Maritime Area Planning Act 2021, MARA will have regard to this Circular when considering applications for Maritime Area Consents or Marine Usage Licences which relate to offshore renewable energy activity.
Click Here or Icon on Left to read Circular MP01/2024