

Reference Number:

Title of Application

University College Cork Cetacean study within the Irish and Celtic Seas



Commenced 18 December 2023

Applicant Details

University College Cork
Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork
T23 N73K

Proposed Activity

The proposed maritime usage is to deploy passive acoustic monitoring devices to describe seasonal and diurnal occurrence of whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) in the Irish Sea and the Celtic Sea. The work is being carried out as part of a larger multidisciplinary research project called CETUS. The CETUS project: Cetacean, Elasmobranch, Turtle, and Seabird distribution modelling platform will provide scientific data that can be used to support the sustainable development of offshore renewable energy and is funded by Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

Please note the validity of this AA Screening Determination may be questioned by Judicial Review under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Chapter 8, Part 5 of the Maritime Area Planning Act 2021.  Any application for leave to apply for judicial review must be made promptly and in any event within eight weeks of the date of this notice.  Practical information on Judicial Review can be obtained from the Citizens Information Board, Ground Floor, George’s Quay House, 43 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 ( Citizens Information Board website) or from the Courts website.

Please note the validity of this Licence Determination may be questioned by Judicial Review under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Chapter 8, Part 5 of the Maritime Area Planning Act 2021.  Any application for leave to apply for judicial review must be made promptly and in any event within eight weeks of the date of this notice.  Practical information on Judicial Review can be obtained from the Citizens Information Board, Ground Floor, George’s Quay House, 43 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 ( Citizens Information Board website) or from the Courts website.