
Maritime Usage Licence Application MUL240012


MUL240012 – Uisce Éireann

Uisce Éireann
Colvill House
24-26 Talbot Street
Dublin 1

Locations off the coast of counties Sligo and Donegal

Donegal and Sligo

The proposed works will gather information on water currents, bathymetry and ancillary data on temperature, conductivity and salinity within Donegal Bay, Sligo Bay and their adjoining waters. This data is required by Uisce Éireann in order for them to carry out numerical modelling for the purposes of informing future design and installation of wastewater treatment and to examine the impact that wastewater causes on water quality and designated shellfish waters in the surrounding areas.

Disclaimer: Please note any “Site Location Map” displayed above shall be subject to verification by MARA and may be subject to change.

Please note that this application has yet to be assessed and a statutory period of public consultation may be required.

If a public consultation is required a public notice will be published at the appropriate time with full details of the consultation process.

There may also be some minor changes to the map(s) published here and any updated map(s) will be published before the public consultation commences.