
Licence Application MUL240018


MUL240018-University College Dublin

UCD School of Earth Sciences
Room L0.11, CSCB Building
O’Brien Centre for Science (East)
University College Dublin
Dublin 4

Celtic Sea

Cork to Waterford

To undertake a geophysical and sediment sampling survey off the south coast of Ireland to inform environmental and geological studies in relation to Blue Carbon potential of marine sediments.

Disclaimer:  Please note any “Site Location Map” displayed above shall be subject to verification by MARA and may be subject to change.

Please note that this application has yet to be assessed and a statutory period of public consultation may be required.

If a public consultation is required a public notice will be published at the appropriate time with full details of the consultation process.

There may also be some minor changes to the map(s) published here and any updated map(s) will be published before the public consultation commences.